‘GOENCHO AVAZ’ hits the stands
2010 annual issue of ‘Goencho Avaz’ the literary Konkani magazine of late Fr. Freddy J. da Costa hits the stands.
The issue contains thoughtprovoking features and short stories by renowned Konkani litterateurs – Dr. Jayanti Naik, Ravindra Kelekar, Uday Bhembre, Felix P. da Cruz, Sudha S. Amonkar, John Aguiar, Guadalupe Dias, Yusuf Sheikh, Vincy Quadros, Marcos Gonsalves, Willy Goes et al.
Published and edited by Fausto V. da Costa on behalf of Fr. Freddy J. da Costa Memorial Trust, the issue is co-edited by Soter R. Barreto whose editorial ‘Gõy-cho Avaz Kanar Poddttolo Kai Gõykaranchea?’ makes a strong case for Konkani, while the last word of the editor ‘GOENCHO AVAZ ani Romi Konknni Disallem’ unfolds the history of Konkani publications and the attitude of ‘self-styled’, misguiding so-called Konkani leaders.
Priced at Rs. 15 the issue is available at the regular newspaper outlets in Goa, Mumbai and the Gulf. Those interested in receiving a complimentary copy anywhere in India may kindly forward their request via following email: fausto@vsnl.net
Goencho Avaz Bhair Sorlo
GOENCHO AVAZ hea sorgest Fr. Freddy J. da Costa hanchea sahityik pormollit jheleacho 2010 vorsuki ank bhair sorlo.
Hea ankant lovkik Konknni sahityikanche - Dr. Jayanti Naik, Ravindr Kelekar, Uday Bhembre, Felix P. da Cruz, Sudha S. Amonkar, John Aguiar, Guadalupe Dias, Yusuf Sheikh, Vincy Quadros, Marcos Gonsalves, Willy Goes - chintunk lavpi lekh ani unchlea dorjeacheo mottveo kannio asat.
Fr. Freddy J. da Costa Memorial Trust hanche torfen Fausto V. da Costa hannem sompadun uzvaddak haddlolea hea ankacho Soter R. Barreto up-sompadok zaun asa; zacho ‘Gõy-cho Avaz Kanant Poddttolo Kai Gõykaranchea?’ ogrlekh Konknni bhaxe khatir ek okhondd bazu manddtta, zalear ‘GOENCHO AVAZ ani Romi Konknni Disallem’ hem sompadok-uzvaddavpeachem nimannem utor Konknni porgottnneancho itihas vachpeam somor dovortana ‘self-styled’ ani aplea adava khatir lokam modem vankdde somzut nirmann korpi Konknniche fuddari mhonnloleanchi vrut’ti uktadar haddtta.
Pondra rupya molacho ho ank Gõy, Mumboi ani Golfant potram manddancher vikrek asa. Zori konnak hea ankachi mogachi bhett koxi ek proti (fokot Bharotant khoinsorui) topalantlean apnnak patthoyloli zai zalear fausto@vsnl.net hea e-mail-ar sompork sadum-ieta.
[As forwarded by the published to gaspar almeida, www.goa-world.com]
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